Economy and Geography of Europe (lecture)

Due to the coronavirus via distance education by online materials uploaded to the internet

Spring term 2020/2021.

Online readings:

1. Evolution of Europeanism and Development of European Integration
2. European Economic Core Area: European Integration
3. Key Factors of Urban Competitiveness in East Central European Space Structure
4. Political Core with Economic Lagging: Eastern Europe

Changes in the assessment due to the distance education:

  • there is no written exam, instead of that online final test is held on 16th June (Wednesday) from 10.15


  • An online test on 16th June (Wednesday) from 10.15, which contains:

    • Theoretical (multiple choice test) questions about the online material (70%)

      The online materials for the preparation are available from this homepage (and not in the moodle).

    • Topographical exercise on an outlined map based on a given list of geographical names (30%)

      List of geographical names: recognition of geographical names on an outlined map: 82 European cities and their countries


    I would like to call your attention that the online test from Economy and Geography of Europe is held on 16th June, in the timeslot of 10.15–10.55. The presence is compulsory on the test of 16th June. I would ask everybody to appear. Missing means fail (1) mark.

    You do not have to sign up for the 16th June exam via neptun system, simply just fill the test (I will be able to upload your marks without your neptun registration). In a few days later you will be able to see your result of the comprehension in neptun.


    Information on the technical details of the test:

    The online test will be available on moodle platform 16th June (Wednesday).

    In the meanwhile the test is set, which will appear on the Moodle page of the course. So the site of the test can be opened 16th June (Wednesday) at 10.15, and you have altogether 40 minutes to fill it. It is a quite easy test, it could be filled in a half an hour, so you have enough time to fill the test. I hope everything is going to work right.

    The test consists of two parts:

    • 35 multiple choice questions for 70 points. There are 3 false and 1 true answers for each question (you have to select the true ones). In case of false answer there is no minus point, each right answered question is worth for 2 points.

    • Topographical exercise for 30 points. You will have a blind/outlined world map with numbers signing the cities and the countries. You have to pair 30 given names of cities and countries with the numbers on the map. So you don’t have to draw on the map, it is quite easy and rapid.


    It is a quite easy test, it could be filled very fast, so you have enough time to fill the test.

    Wishing successful preparation for everybody, yours:

    László, JENEY

    Geo Department


    Grading: the exact values of percentage achieved in this course deviates from the grading scales used in the case of other Corvinus coordinated courses.


    Percentage achieved Hungarian grade ECTS equivalent Explanation for the Hungarian grade
    85–100 5 A Excellent
    70–84 4 B Good
    60–69 3 C Satisfactory
    50–59 2 D Pass
    0–49 1 F Fail
      Nem jelent meg DNA Did not attend (no credit)
      Nem vizsgázott I Incomplete (no credit)
      Aláírva S Signed (no credit)
      Megtagadva R Refused (no credit)

Compulsory readings:

  • Bradshaw, M. – Dymond, J. – White, G. – Chacko, E. 2012: Contemporary World Regional Geography. 4th Edition. – McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 640 p. ISBN: 978-007131473-2

Only the uploaded parts are needed for the exam (according to the date of issue the exact page numbers might be different)


Recommended readings:

  • MacKinnon, D. Cumbers, A. 2007: An introduction to economic geography: globalization, uneven development and place. – Prentice Hall, 354 p. ISBN: 978-0131293168